Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finally bubble to a senior sister of the forest with a vice over the tone of people saying

finally bubble to a senior sister of the forest with a vice over the tone of people saying: nothing to do with him. Although accustomed to the quiet one, but thought it might be the last time they met up forest not consciously awkward, so Lin also was silent. they had to break up this place has been reached , that finally should say something, Lin stopped the previous single, split-Lin saw a strange one, but that moment no longer short of the forest in mind that scene again, he can The only time I remember being shocked by the feeling that there is a single broad backs slowly forward. white mist filled the air, a huge body slowly rises, suddenly, one has penetrated into the sky gazing at the horizon mm the disappearance of a white light, from a single forest that will live in a totally unfamiliar Moncler country mmT his country.single person who has always been a low profile, he did not by virtue of their excellent academic qualifications to enter T State metropolis, but quietly went to T H-town, country, entered where a small Institute of Biology. Although never understood a single, but Lin has been very responsible as a single good friend role, he will be almost every day to a single email or all day all day long soak in line, waiting for the only and single to say. However, the forest down, one addition to the initial letter as a few perfunctory letters and have not left anything to the forest. as in the evaporate as one disappears into hh left alone in endless forest loss and the anger in the. , long, faint smile across his lips, he murmured: [Lin: H town this year and I am really lonely, why do not you come out activities? miss you very much to do the Doctor.

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